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Two successful bow hunters with their javelina


The Best Javelina Hunts in Texas

Starting at $2,050

A hunter kneels next to her javelina


Javelina — or collared peccary — are found throughout Central and South America, Trinidad, the Carribean, and in only four states in the United States. Texas is one of those states. These pig-like creatures live in the arid and semi-arid parts of the state, including South Texas, West Texas and the Edwards Plateau.

In Texas, Javelina are game animals and they can be hunted by anyone with a valid Texas Hunting License. There are no tags required for Javelina hunting in Texas, but there is a bag limit of two per person per year.

Javelina hunts are a lot of fun, and appeal to everyone because they make a great mount with their long canine teeth (or tusks).  They are a great trophy animal to add to any other hunt.


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With no closed season for Javelina hunting in most Texas counties, these are great off-season hunts for a group of buddies looking to have some fun or hunters who are looking to extend their hunting season.

Javelina have poor eyesight, and don’t have the best hearing, so they are also a blast to spot and stalk with a bow, crossbow, or muzzleloader.

Javelina are small (often less than 40 pounds), and thin-skinned, so these hunts are a good choice for younger or less experienced hunters.

I’ve found that these hunts appeal to everyone — even experienced hunters — because they make a pretty cool mount with their long canine teeth, or tusks. They are good for folks looking to get out of the colder northern climates early in the year. And of course, they are great for the novice hunter looking for their first game animal.


Most of my Javelina hunts are done in West Texas on a ranch that’s over 60,000 acres. We drive around until we locate them, and then it’s spot and stalk from there. It's very common to see 15 to 30 or more Javelina on this ranch in a day — so you have lots of shot opportunities.

Occasionally I’ll hunt Javelina in South Texas, or the Edwards Plateau. Those hunts are a little different than the West Texas hunts. In South Texas, we usually approach it like we do a whitetail deer hunt — out of a blind overlooking a sendero (cleared roadway) with a corn feeder. Hunting out of a blind is great for those who don’t get around as well as they used to.

Both approaches make for some really fun hunts.

A typical hunting day starts before daylight with a quick breakfast, and then we’re off to start the hunt. Late morning we’ll break for brunch/lunch, after which we’ll hunt until late afternoon or early evening. After getting back to camp for the night, we’ll have a hearty, hot-off-the grill dinner and a relaxing evening before heading to bed.

It’s worth noting that I don’t have a big camp where you will be in a lodge with a bunch of people you don’t know. When you hunt with me, you or your group have exclusive rights to the ranch for lodging and hunting.


Javelina are members of the peccary family. There are three species of peccaries, but only one is found in the United States -- the collared peccary. 

Javelina bear a close resemblance to pigs -- they have snouts and small eyes. The most noticeable difference between them and pigs is their long, sharp canine-like teeth, or tusks, which they use defensively. These tusks help them make a popping, or chomping, noise when threatened. Aggressive encounters with humans are very rare, but javelina can definitely tear up a dog, so be mindful of your pets when you encounter them out in the wild.

In spite of their long sharp tusks, they are not meat eaters -- they mainly eat cacti, mesquite beans, lechuguilla, sotol, mast, fruits, and insects. Prickly pear cactus is a favorite.

Javelina are social animals and are typically found in small herds or family groups. When full grown, they usually measure about  three to four feet in length, and weigh 40 pounds or less. They have scent glands under their eyes and on their backs, which produce a pungent odor. They use these glands to mark other herd members, and to mark herd territories. 


There is no closed season on Javelina hunting, so they can be hunted year round. I do most of my Javalina hunts in early March.

They can be hunted in 93 Texas counties and can be found in South Texas, West Texas and the parts of the Edwards Plateau. Most of my javelina hunts are conducted in West Texas (Trans-Pecos Region), but I’ll occasionally hunt them in South Texas and the Edwards Plateau.

For West Texas hunts, if you are traveling by air, fly into El Paso or Midland / Odessa and rent a car to drive to the ranch.

A bow hunter kneels with his bow next to the javelina he has bagged


To prepare for your hunt, take a look at my packing lists. Some of the links on those lists are affiliate links — that means that I earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Note, however, that I only recommend products that I use myself. In addition, take a look at my recommendations for hunting gear.

The weather in Texas can be unpredictable, and change quickly and abruptly. Make sure to check the weather forecast and pack appropriately.

Generally, summers are very hot, winters can get quite raw (especially in West Texas), and summer and fall days often have huge temperature swings with cold evenings, nights and mornings, and warm or hot afternoons.

For most hunts, prepare to dress in layers so you can add or take off clothing as temperatures shift throughout the day. For warm weather hunts, pack clothes that breathe, are well ventilated, and keep the sun off of you. For mountain hunts, avoid cotton — wool or synthetic works best.

For hunts in the late spring, summer and early fall, Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent is invaluable. We do a lot of walking through tall grass, and chiggers and ticks can be a problem. With Sawyer Permethrin you don’t have to worry about them. It's sprayed on your clothing and once it dries it’s odorless and colorless. I LOVE this product, and literally never leave home without it!

And one last - but very important - note: Do NOT wear new boots! Make sure your boots are well broken in!



3 days / 2 nights


$2,050 per hunter

Flat Fee

Javelina Hunts

$1,025 per hunter


    • 3 days & 2 nights

    • 2 javelina/hunter

    • Meals

    • Lodging

    • Transportation around the ranch

    • Field care of your trophy

    • Non-hunting guests – $250/person/night

    • Skinning & quartering of your trophy – $50/animal

    • Caping & freezing hide for transport home – $75/animal


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